Thursday, April 13, 2006

Illegal Immigration

I'm wondering what people don't get about the word "illegal"? How can people who are breaking the law stand up and demand that they be treated like normal citizens? Aside from the liberal Democrats trying to use this to their advantage, do the illegal Mexicans (and others) really think that any U.S. citizen would support them? I tell you what; we should let anyone who is serving time right now in prison for tax evasion OUT. If this is somebody's only crime (they're not murderous tax evaders), then they should be set free.

These illegals don't have to pay income tax, so why should American citizens 1) have to pay anyway and 2) be locked up for NOT paying? Doesn't make much sense to me.

I would also think that all legal immigrants would be rising up against these criminals. Of course, some of them could be family, but surely the ones who came over and went through the process, paid the money and passed the test, would not want others to come illegally and receive the same benefits as they. Would they?

Finally, these marchers were saying they were not going to spend their money last Monday just to show us how much of an impact it would make to the economy. Let me just say "Ha!". How does money that's already been spent affect the economy if it's not spent again? Let me explain. Have you ever stood in the grocery line behind some of these illegals? They're not whipping out cash (except to pay for beer) or a checkbook or a credit card, they're pulling out their food card that they get from the state welfare office that you and I have to pay for out of our tax dollars!

That money is already gone. If the illegals don't spend it, some other welfare do-nothing will. I don't believe I ever heard how much of an impact it made, did you? You know why? Because IT DIDN'T.

I just wonder who these people think they are? How can they threaten us? How can they "demand" rights? How can they defiantly carry the MEXICAN flag during a march in OUR country? If they're so bold, why don't they march to Vincente Fox's house and demand better treatment in their own country? Sure, they come here because the conditions in their country are poor, but whose fault is that? If you don't like it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT (other than invade my country and destroy my healthcare system and neighborhoods).

As a conservative, I have no problem with immigration, I have a problem with ILLEGAL immigration. All are welcome in my view, just do it legally. America is the greatest country ever to exist on the face of the Earth, but this illegal immigrant problem could bring us to our knees. They think a couple million of them marching sends a message, perhaps the rest of us 500 million or so LEGAL citizens should march and see what happens then.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore; send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Anonymous said...

I'm tired of hearing that they pay tax every time they buy something. If sales tax is enough, then we all should just have to pay sales tax, nothing more. If our government thinks that's good enough for illegals, then certainly they should think it is good enough for U.S citizens.

Anonymous said...

How can OUR government, the government that WE elect, that WE support with our taxes, jusify putting U.S. citizens in prison for tax evation, and let illegals have amnesty or even consider it? Maybe instead of criticizing the illegals for not marching in thier own Country, we should start marching and standing up in ours. When should we say enough is enough? They were elected to serve us, instead we are penalized for being U.S. citizens.

Anonymous said...

When is the last time a U.S. citizen went to buy a house without needing a s.s.# or a credit check? Try it-see how far you get.

Anonymous said...

I love the line "they only take jobs we won't do." I work beside them; everyone I know works beside some of them, and not one of us are gardeners, motel workers, maids, ect. That's just a bunch of bull. They think if they say it enough, of course we will believe it.

Anonymous said...

If we have 12 million jobs that U.S. citizens refuse to take, then there should not be such a big welfare line (plenty of work to go around). It should be just like unemployment, if you refuse, you loose. I wasn't born-and neither was anyone else-to give hard earned money to some free-loader. I don't believe for one minute that illegals don't take jobs away from Americans, and keep our wages down.

Anonymous said...

Try a small buisness loan, not so easy if you were born here.

Anonymous said...

I like the $400,000.00 that it cost Dallas tax payers for their "highly praised march." The "liberal rag" Star-Telegram just couldn't seem to get over how wanderful it was.

Anonymous said...

Yea no "violence", unless of course they came across some people who were protesting them (pro-American).

Anonymous said...

Not a racial issue? I have a couple of friends living illegally in TX and in IL. None of them has been in any way harassed or inconvenienced by any member of the authorities; why? They're both Argentinian and they're blond and blue-eyed. So perhaps it has nothing to do with race, right?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing that we can do. It is a natural law. Heat goes from hot to cold spontaneously. As long as we have an illegal government (i.e. one that doesn't care for the law)we'll have illegal immigration. Remember follow the money if you want to understand and find the culprit. Wo is making lots of money? The conservative goverment!